Saturday, September 17, 2011


And it is now that I lay down that I realize that I need her,, i need her to talk to me, to tell me that its not me who’s insane, but the rest of the world that has gone crazy,.. that I’m all right,, that I’ll be all right. It is now that I need to  tell her what she means to me, that I need to hear from her that she values me,, even if it is nothing more than a lie,, just spoken to keep me sane.
It is now that I need a friend, it s now that I need someone… anyone at all,, it is now that I need them close to me,, comforting me,,, so that the nightmares will not return, so that I shall be able to sleep again,, so that I feel that all is not lost, there is still someone who needs me… someone who can help me…

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